Sunday, 2 June 2013


It's been a tough couple of weeks. At the end of last week, a kid in my form had a breakdown, and I had to deal with it. Totally. Because I was the only person he would speak to. It's flattering, and surprising, as I haven't spoken to the kid much previously. Mostly, thought, it was terrifying - I was worrying I would say the wrong thing. How to deal with a teenager who tells you that, every so often, he has sad thoughts that 'spiral out of control', and he can't stop crying? When he says he's afraid of how he feels, and of what he might do? I knew the long-term stuff to do (Mental health and child protection referrals etc) but in that instant, when I was called, came running, and saw this kid staring at the wall with tears running down his face, what to say?

I spent half an hour talking with him and his best friend, in what turned into a sort of group counselling session where we talked about fears and self-worth. I am in no way qualified to do that, but he wouldn't speak to anyone else. Not the school counsellor, or nurse, or his mother. So it was me. In the end, his mum came and we sorted a plan and he went home, and... then it was half term.

I've been thinking of this kid all week. These situations are so hard to put down, especially when I have a whole week to worry in. Maybe I need a session on fears myself. I'll see him tomorrow.

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